Friday 2 September 2011

What Kind of People Might Want to Use Sick Submitter?

Webmasters or anyone with a website they are trying to get more search engine exposure for. Any webmaster who wants to increase their websites backlinks to increase natural organic search engine traffic. We could pay for traffic, we could pay for backlinks. But Sick Submitter allows a webmaster to do it their self. You can create many different types of backlinks to your website using Sick. The whole idea is to increase your websites backlink count, which in turn increases its relevancy in the search engines for the keywords you want to rank for which in turn produces higher SERP results which means more $$$ money for you.

Whether you only have one website or like many Internet Marketing Affiliates, have many websites you wish to promote and gain higher SERP results for. Sick Submitter could just be the perfect software for you. And here we’ll explain a little about why..

Sick Submitter costs $19.99 per month. (Soon to be $29.99! Lock in your price now! Sick Marketing never raise prices on existing users). Although since using I’ve never seen the price change. With this running subscription it enables you to create as many backlinks as you possibly want within next to no time at all. You could pay someone $20 to build you a limited amount of backlinks on a certain platform. But once those links are built, that’s all you get. You could pay someone $20, perhaps say on the forums. But again, once those links are built, that’s it. No more backlinks. This might be good for someone in a low competition niche without many competitors competing for the same keywords as you. But IMHO consistence defeats resistance. That is, to outrank competitors you need to consistently build backlinks to your website.